Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Injury time doesn't mean you have to stay OFF the game!

Whether you like it or not…which probably you do, Martial Arts is a full contact sport and unfortunately as with any sport you might sustain some injuries that put you off training for a while.   What should you do?

                                                        Listen to your body

Each injury is unique and it would be very stupid to say for all injuries rest or power through. Instead you have to be in harmony with your body and be able to listen to your body. So when Injured you can have basically two choices:
    A.      Give it Some rest if necessary
            You don't want the small injury to become bigger or even permanent just because you didn't 
             rest it. Better to be out one week 100% than have to make an operation in the future or train
            for 3 months but on 30%

      B.     Use intelligence to go through with it
               Since injuries might be often i.e. ribs, fingers, toes, go more light when rolling, inform your
               partners!! tape and keep the area of pain safeguarded, use some anti-inflammation cream

                                             Keep your mind engaged with the sport
Go see the training even if you are not training.  Hellio Gracie started his Jiu Jitsu experience like this and look where it got him!When you are seeing the game & people spar, your mind is still engaging the art in a practical & technical level still whilst you are analyzing situations.

It’s always important the type of fuel you put in your body when you train; even more important when you are going through an injury period.  Eat lean & balanced. Foods rich in vitamins & fibers (fruits & vegetables), proteins that help recover the muscles faster, healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil & nuts.  Looaadsss  & lloaddsss of water!

                                                      Flex  Yoga Meditation  Breathing
 Maybe you shouldn’t move or train at all, that is depending on the injury. But usually at least you could do some physio work out. These exercises are there to support the area that is injured and not stress it even more.  By flexing that area and letting it move & if possible combine YOGA with it as well, you can heal faster whilst practicing your breathing too!

If you can't really do any workout or flexing at all, then is the best period to train your breathing, train your mind & meditate on it!  Breathing control should be a very essential part of your game so is being able to keep your mind empty when you choose to!

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